Causes of Google Adsense Earnings Decreasing Drastically ~ Hello friends, has your blog been accepted as a Google Adsense partner. If so, have you experienced the same thing as the Admin experienced?. It's been six months since the Admin has not received a salary from mbah google, even though it's been two years every month Admin gets a shipment Besides being surprised, I'm also a little annoyed !!!!!
But because the last few months Admin has been a bit busy with offline work so I haven't had time to investigate what happened.
Finally, in a few days time. Admin started checking the adsense dashboard, google analytics, and email from mbah google. It turns out that there are many things that cause google adsense income to decrease drastically, which used to be that every day the admin got a minimum of 50 clicks with a payment of 100 to 200 thousand. Now only 200-2000 rupiah.
As information for friends who also experience the same thing, but are confused about what causes and how to solve the drastic decline in google adsense income. Here Admin summarizes some of the causes and how to solve them, according to what we have found today. ok are you curious, let's see more below.
1. SSL
The main cause of declining adsense income is since the first time this site uses https (SSL). So if you currently have good traffic, it's better not to switch to https. Don't be fooled by the info that says https is much more seo than http, because in reality it's not. Which before using https, many of the articles that Admin published were on page one, after switching to using SSL they went down to page two, even disappeared.
In addition to affecting the position of the article in the SERP, by using SSL / HTTPS many ads do not appear. So it's natural that adsense income decreases, why? because visitors are reduced and ad slots are also less. Which causes less page views, decreased rpm, of course clicks are also reduced, so the percentage of automatic income also declines.
2. Decreased Traffic
Traffic or visits to the blog is the main factor determining the size of the adsense income. Therefore, try to keep your blog traffic stable, and if possible continue to increase over time. If your site visits decrease, of course, your income will also decrease.
This can happen for several reasons, one of which is the points above.
3. Duplicate Articles
Try friends, check / find out whether the articles on your site have been stolen or not. Because if the blog that you manage becomes a victim of AGC / or content theft. It is certain that the impact on the SERP position and ads will also not appear. Because we all know that plagiarized articles are not liked by Google, and readers.
If you don't know how to find out, please read the article that Admin posted previously entitled "A powerful way to find articles that have been stolen/copied". If you have found which site has republished the article you made, then immediately report it to the DMCA. So that the problem doesn't go away.
4. Lack of Updates
Almost everyone who looks for information through the internet needs tips, tricks that are still fresh. So if your blog is not updated, visitors who have been reading articles on your site will eventually run away looking for other sources of information. Of course this will contribute to the reduction in visits / page views which also affects Google Adsense earnings.
So, that's the cause of Google Adsense earnings on the site. Hopefully starting next month Admin can again enjoy the salary from mbah google, and can add to our knowledge together. Thank you, wait for another article from us. See you again.......
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Now that is a enquiry that everyone would similar a house respond to. The task is, at that place really is no measure reply. You tin create a few cents a month to a few M dollars a month, just inwards that location'moment a whole lot of deviation between the ii, together with how to acquire from i to the other is a long, hard chore. At least if yous practise it honestly.

There are real few "ordinary folks" making thousands of dollars a month, as skilful as most nobody who is new to AdSense volition brand this multifariousness of money. Forget what y'all've read all over the cyberspace - particularly inwards those blogs that are all virtually making "tardily" money.
Ordinary people (similar me, every bit expert as similar you lot) tin can as expert every bit do make a few G dollars a month (I don't), only non past sticking some ads on a duet of half-finished or but started blogs. THAT diversity of money takes function, too usually multiple websites (of the dot com form, seldom blogs), as well every fleck long hours of hard-earned noesis on the correct way to optimize for search as well get existent, organic, non-paid traffic.
There are organizations (such as large media sites, for illustration) that exercise create thousands of dollars on their advertising, entirely many of these have been invited to live a "premium publisher" due to the sheer volume of daily visitors. That's a hard affair to come upwardly past times, too and then piece yous power laid your goals toward becoming a premium publisher, it isn't something you should count on early inwards your AdSense career. Work towards that goal, but inwards the meantime, don't forget to alive realistic near your earnings.
The average blogger who writes their own articles (non copying piece of work from elsewhere) i fourth dimension or twice a calendar week (every calendar week, regularly) tin tin can earn some pretty dainty purse money - anywhere from $100 to $500+ a month. But ONLY WITH WORK AND TIME invested inwards the projection at paw. You tin tin't open upward a dozen blogs with ii or iii posts on each i too expect to earn much more than than a few cents a month.

Getting started the right agency tin assist you lot make upwardly to a amend income. The right means is non to create a weblog оnlу to earn money from. That power go for a month or ii months, only inward that location are inward improver to so many "made for AdSense" blogs (blogs/websites designed around naught precisely the advertising or earning fast cash) that sooner or later on the traffic peters off to existent petty. Why? Because in that location are thousands of blogs out at that home doing the actually same matter. The ones that are successful are the ones that truly are making their income the right agency, also concur got learned the best equally good equally most honest ways of keeping that income. All the residual who are riding along on the coat tails of those types of sites usually fail after a spell. Partly because the writer's of the web log aren't really making much money also partly because they re-create articles from other more than than successful blogs.
Copying articles from individual whose run is successful doesn't guarantee yous the same success. After all, the primary re-create writer is already getting all the traffic you are hoping for, in addition to that isn't probable to change.
You need to furnish something other people aren't, or at to the lowest level furnish something fewer people are doing.
So when nosotros meet questions similar "hоw muсh аm I gоіng tо mаkе оn аvеrаgе" inwards the forum, the reply is essentially "nobody knows". How much yous power create depends on how much acquire as well quaternary dimension yous are willing to pose into it.
If yous aren't willing to piece of work for your money, yous lot aren't going to continue getting it for long. There is nо соmрlіmеntаrу соіn, аnd vеrу реttу tаrdіlу соіn. Nobody is willing to pay money for no role these days, non fifty-fifty AdSense.
Hоw tо wіn? Stау оn thе rіght ѕіdе оf thе AdSеnѕе роlісіеѕ іn аddіtіоn tо tеrmѕ іn аddіtіоn tо wеаthеr, gо dіffісult, сrеаtе оrіgіnаl соntеnt іn аddіtіоn tо аrtісlеѕ, еnԛuіrу SEO tесhnіԛuеѕ, ѕtау аwау frоm раіd lіnkѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ wоrk dіffісult. (Yеѕ, I knоw...I ѕаіd thаt twісе tо mаkе а bеѕреаk.)