
1. Try to describe the development of the strategic environment?
The dynamics of the international strategic environment always carry both positive and negative implications on the other side at the same time, which directly or indirectly affects national development. The positive implications bring benefits in supporting the ideals, national goals and national interests, while the negative implications lead to increasing potential threats to the survival of the country. Countries in the world are required to cooperate with each other, but on the other hand, competition between countries in protecting national interests is also increasing.
As a result, developing countries such as Indonesia, which has abundant natural resources, must be more careful in dealing with the problems they face, be more active in strengthening national resilience in various fields, and be better at making adjustments needed to protect their national interests so until the natural wealth that we have is mostly used for the prosperity of other countries. Examples include coal, ore, gold and silver mines
In Indonesia itself, the development of the strategic environment occurs in various fields,
The decline in awareness about Pancasila can be seen from the discourse on the application of Islamic Shari'a and the Islamic government system in Indonesia. This can be seen at least by the activities of several groups that are quite prominent, such as the discourse on independent presidential candidates, the holding of the International Khilafah conference conducted by Hisbuth Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). - joints of national life.
b. Economics
Various policy steps have been taken by the government to encourage economic growth. However, in improving economic performance, the government still faces various obstacles, both related to product competitiveness, complicated bureaucracy, legal and security guarantees to other external factors, such as fluctuations in currency exchange rates and world oil prices. Indonesian products still face obstacles in the international market, where Indonesian products are often faced with obstacles related to tariffs to accusations of dumping
c. politics
The dynamics of local and national political developments are very conducive, which indirectly shows that the level of public awareness of their political rights tends to increase. However, in other developments, demands for regional expansion, conflicts between groups in the Pilkada, conflicts between regions in fighting over territory, which often lead to acts of violence still characterize local political dynamics.
2. What capital is needed in dealing with changes in the strategic environment?
a. Intellectual Capital
Intellectual capital is a necessary tool for finding opportunities and managing organizational change in any strategic environment.
b. Emotional Capital
The ability to respond to change and carry out task demands well is largely determined by emotional intelligence.
c. Social Capital
Social capital is aimed at regrowing networks of cooperation and interpersonal relationships that support success. In an effort to build a competitive nation, the role of social capital is increasingly important. Many contributions of social capital to the success of a society
d. Perseverance Capital
Patience is the capital for success in life, both in personal life and in the life of a bureaucratic organization. In the face of difficulties or unsolved problems only those who are steadfast will succeed in solving them.
e. Ethical/moral capital
Moral intelligence as a mental capacity that determines the universal principles of humanity must be applied to our values, goals and actions. The ability to distinguish what is right and wrong).
f. Health Capital/Physical/Physical Strength
The body or body is a container to support the manifestation of all the human capital discussed earlier. An unhealthy body will make all of the above capital not appear optimally. Therefore health is part of human capital so that he can work and think productively.
3. How do you (PNS) deal with contemporary strategic issues?
a. Through intellectual capital
Basically, humans have the basic nature of curiosity, proactive and innovative which can be developed to manage any changes in the rapidly changing strategic environment. Therefore, civil servants must continue to develop themselves either through training, workshops, seminars, training and other education according to their field of office
b. Through emotional capital
Every civil servant must work with other people and for other people. The ability to manage emotions well will determine the success of civil servants in carrying out their duties, the ability to manage emotions is also known as emotional intelligence. After all, the bureaucracy can work if every civil servant is willing to cooperate and help each other
c. Through social capital
Social capital is aimed at regrowing networks of cooperation and interpersonal relationships that support success, especially success as a civil servant as a public servant. Civil servants must master the ability to influence others, the ability to communicate well, the ability to manage conflict in groups, the ability to build a solid work team, and the ability to invite others to change.
d. Through the capital of perseverance
Civil servants should not neglect their work and escape from reality even though it is very much because it can hamper the ongoing bureaucratic structure. Civil servants must always work as much as possible by suppressing the principle of not working wholeheartedly. When faced with a problem, they are required to find a way out and create innovations to increase productivity for the institution where they work.
e. Through Health Capital
Civil servants must be diligent in exercising and consuming balanced nutrition to increase power, endurance, muscle strength, speed, accuracy, agility, coordination, and balance. balance) in order to carry out their duties properly tugasnya
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